"A presentation by Daniel Hiebert, with discussion and Q&A The “Superdiversity in Canadian Cities” website was created in 2020 to help people see the impacts of immigration on Canadian urban life....
"A presentation by Daniel Hiebert, with discussion and Q&A The “Superdiversity in Canadian Cities” website was created in 2020 to help people see the impacts of immigration on Canadian urban life. Project collaborators Daniel Hiebert and Steven Vertovec are about to release a new version of the website that has improved functions and updated data. As before, the new site encourages people to explore the origins of immigrants and temporary migrants, and to see how society is becoming more diverse. They are also given the opportunity to explore the relationship between immigrant status, cultural origin, and socio-economic outcomes. This presentation by Daniel Hiebert will introduce the new website and will show how it can be used to help people understand the importance of immigration and diversity in Canadian society."
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