The Art of Facilitating Welcoming Spaces for Newcomers - Cet événement a déjà eu lieu
Détails de l'événement
Hosted by Justine Abigail Yu and weareHUH
Part 1: Online Engagements - July 23 - 10am-11:30am PT (1pm-2:30pm ET)
Part 2: In-Person Events - August 13 - 10am-11:30am PT (1pm-2:30pm ET)
The weareHUH network is a free and open platform which offers tools...
Hosted by Justine Abigail Yu and weareHUH
Part 1: Online Engagements - July 23 - 10am-11:30am PT (1pm-2:30pm ET)
Part 2: In-Person Events - August 13 - 10am-11:30am PT (1pm-2:30pm ET)
The weareHUH network is a free and open platform which offers tools & resources to start accessible activities that connect people together, break down stereotypes, and create & strengthen intercultural communities. In addition to the tools and resources on our website, this summer we’re connecting settlement service providers together to build a community of practice and offering free capacity-building workshops.
If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that none of us can exist alone. We can all appreciate the importance of building relationships - and recognize how difficult it is for people who are new to their communities and the local language. This two-part workshop series will dive into facilitation of online and in-person activities, and the methods and mindsets needed to create trusting and welcoming environments.
We’re offering two 1.5-hour workshops. You’ll get the most out of the experience if you come to both, but each workshop stands on its own as well. Recordings of both workshops will be available to weareHUH network members. Please note that while these events are for weareHUH network members, we are opening up a limited amount of tickets for non-network members to attend as well.
You’ll learn about:
Building capacity on participatory techniques for digital engagement
Ways to create a safe space for racialized folks to share their stories
Designing workshops that are accessible to your audiences
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