Navigating the American education system is a significant challenge for newcomer families and the advocates who support them. For families with children who have, or...
Navigating the American education system is a significant challenge for newcomer families and the advocates who support them. For families with children who have, or may have, a disability, this process is even more complex. Newcomer families may be reluctant to pursue special education services for fear their children may face stigma. This webinar will address key questions for newcomer service providers helping families to navigate special education services. You will walk away with a better understanding of Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and the process newcomer families must navigate for their children to receive special education services, as well as how to empower families to advocate for, inform, and monitor their child’s IEP. Special attention will be paid to demystifying and destigmatizing special education services for newcomer families.
Is this webinar for me?
This webinar is designed for newcomer service providers who work with children, youth, and families and who want to enhance their knowledge related to special education services. This session will also directly benefit educators and other school staff to learn how they can empower families during the IEP process.
Why should I participate?
After participating in this 90-minute session, you will be able to:
Define what an Individualized Education Plan is and describe the process newcomer families must navigate to access special education services for their child
Identify common challenges that newcomer families face in accessing and participating in IEP processes
Apply strategies to help newcomer families overcome challenges, demystify and destigmatize special education services, and participate actively in IEP processes"
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