"Join the Society of Refugee Healthcare Providers and Naheed Samadi Bahram for a Q&A session about supporting Afghan women and their health. *Spaces are limited. Preference will be given to providers...
"Join the Society of Refugee Healthcare Providers and Naheed Samadi Bahram for a Q&A session about supporting Afghan women and their health. *Spaces are limited. Preference will be given to providers working with ORR-eligible populations.
Register below and you will receive a confirmation email. Naheed Samadi Bahram and her family migrated to Pakistan after her mother was killed in an explosion in Afghanistan. By the age of 17, Naheed was teaching English to Afghan women in Pakistan. She eventually moved to the United States where she graduated with a B.A. from Queens College.
Naheed consistently has moved up the ranks at Women of Afghan Women (WAW) from a volunteer over 15 years ago, to Program Director of WAW’s NYCC, and today holds the position of the organization’s United States (US) Country Director. Serving on several boards and committees, Naheed is an adjunct professor at Queens College and has won a multitude of awards for her service to the community and to domestic violence survivors. She is a driving, visionary force that has spearheaded WAW’s success across all its operations.
This session will be an informal, discussion format. There will be no slides or presentation, but an opportunity for participants to ask Naheed Samadi Bahram any questions they have. Please submit your questions ahead of time through the registration form or by emailing sarah@refugeesociety.org."
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