"This workshop is the third session of a 3-part series focused on Trauma-informed Care and Vicarious Trauma. These sessions are recommended for staff and volunteers from newcomer-serving agencies for professional development purposes. Please feel free to register even if you missed the previous session - everyone is welcome!
Vicarious trauma is a transformative change that can occur in service providers and helpers as they witness and identify with the suffering of others. Impact increases as we work to balance professional expectations and resource limitations with personal responsibilities. Losing hope, pulling away from others, and feeling physically and emotionally exhausted, are just a few examples of the impact we might experience. Often, we criticize our own capabilities rather than recognize this human response to trauma exposure. This session will build an understanding of what puts us at risk of burnout and vicarious trauma and provide strategies to support resilience so we can continue to do this important work.
Facilitator: Kari McCluskey, Aurora Family Therapy Centre"
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